Step 1:
Part the hair across top of the head from ear to ear.
Step 2:
Part the hair one inch above the ear from the existing part line
towards the face. Repeat on the other side. |
Step 3:
Twist and place the front group of hair into a clippie, out of
the way.
Step 4:
Place front of Halo on part line. Take one inch of hair from
in front of the ear and twist about three times. Loop the twisted
hair over and then under the Halo, once. |
Step 5:
Add this twist of hair to another inch
of hair that may be on or behind the ear, then twist as before
over and then under the Halo. |
Step 6:
Continue this until you are left with one inch of hair, and the
hair that is in the clippie. |
Step 7:
Release the clipped hair and continue with braiding as before, until you are
left with the last inch of hair. |
Step 8:
Loop over Halo & bobby pin as close to the Halo as possible.
Tuck the remaining hair under Halo, hiding the loose ends. |
Step 9:
You can now lightly spray with hair spray.
Finished front view. |
More finished views:
![Top view of hair styled with Halo hair accessory](images/hair/halonew1.jpg)