From rjh1%MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU Mon Feb 18 14:25:14 1991 Date: 15:45 16 Feb 91 Subject: student press e-mail network -- list of publications To: From: rjh1%MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an annotated list of several progressive student publications with an e-mail contact person for each publication. A new, updated list is sent out at the beginning of each month. If you would like to add or correct an entry in this list, please use the form at at the bottom of the list. Last update: 15:30 Chicago time on 16 Feb 91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION: The Digger ADDRESS: c/o UCDSA, 1212 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637 CONTACT: Robert Hinde E-MAIL ADDRESS: YEAR FOUNDED: 1990 FREQUENCY: bi-monthly (roughly) PRINT RUN: 5000 FORMAT: magazine-style, 8.5 x 11 inches, on newsprint AVG ISSUE SIZE (PP): 16 AVG ISSUE COST: $650 AD RATES: $100 per page, $60 per half-page, $35 per quarter-page SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 per year (5 issues); $25 for supporting subscribers COMMENTS: The Digger is a democratic socialist student magazine edited and produced by the Univ. of Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. We are entirely funded by advertisers and subscribers. Sometime in the spring of 1991, we will move to a tabloid-style format (11 x 17 inch pages) to save money; our advertising rates will change accordingly at that time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION: McGill Daily ADDRESS: 3480 McTavish St., room B-03, Montreal, QC H3A 1X9 CONTACT: Rob Macfarlane E-MAIL ADDRESS: YEAR FOUNDED: 1911 FREQUENCY: four issues per week PRINT RUN: 16000 FORMAT: tabloid (11x15) AVG ISSUE SIZE (PP): 8 AVG ISSUE COST: $1700 (Canadian) AD RATES: Business card $40, 1/4 page $180, full page $700 SUBSCRIPTIONS: none at present COMMENTS: All editorial decision-making power rests with the staff of the paper (membership being defined by contributions to the paper). All decisions are made democratically by staff vote. Editorial positions are filled by election. We also have a statement of purposes explaining our political goals. We publish three English editions per week (two news and one devoted to culture), and one French edition. The Daily Publications Society, a corporation composed of all McGill University students, publishes the paper. Members pay $6.80 a semester; the balance of revenues comes from advertising. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION: Peacemonger ADDRESS: Rains Box 250, Stanford, CA 94305 CONTACT: David Porter E-MAIL ADDRESS: YEAR FOUNDED: 1969, revived 1991 FREQUENCY: monthly PRINT RUN: approx 5000 FORMAT: short tabloid AVG ISSUE SIZE (PP): 4 AVG ISSUE COST: approx $400 AD RATES: not yet set SUBSCRIPTIONS: N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION: the Thistle ADDRESS: w20-413, 84 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 CONTACT: David Stern, Archon Fung E-MAIL ADDRESS: dmstern or YEAR FOUNDED: 1987 FREQUENCY: ^^ monthly PRINT RUN: 7000 FORMAT: guardian-style, tabloid AVG ISSUE SIZE (PP): 12-16 AVG ISSUE COST: $600 AD RATES: $90 1/4 page (profits), $70 (non-profits), etc. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10/year. Don't count on receiving issues; just send money. COMMENTS: We're at the same office as the New Liberation News Service. Don't send duplicate copies to both. We're a decent (in quality, that is) paper with moderate-to-anarchist leanings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To include your student publication in this electronic list, complete this form and mail it to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION: ADDRESS: CONTACT: E-MAIL ADDRESS: YEAR FOUNDED: FREQUENCY: PRINT RUN: FORMAT: AVG ISSUE SIZE (PP): AVG ISSUE COST: AD RATES: SUBSCRIPTIONS: COMMENTS: