------------------------------------------------------------------ "books" Lists various books on such topics as toxic dumping, media disinformation, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 aml.intro Introduction to AML (or, ACTIV-L now), what it's for/about, posting style, and request for activist-bios, with 3-4 samples at the end. [Should be automatically sent to new ACTIV-Lers, along w/ this file.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 proj.intro Introduction to goals, motivation behind, philos. etc. of PACH project. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 proj.main Details everything about the PACH project, w/ some 5K appendices describing NASP, NLNS, Institute for Social&Cultural Change, FAIR,etc ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 publications Lists progressive/peace/socialist/human-rights/radical publications. Includes the categories: META PUBLICATIONS (directories of); CENTRAL AMERICA; CIA, COVERT OPERATIONS, ETC; MEDIA CRITICISM; GENERAL About South End Press, plus Oxfam publications, and a few books are listed at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 groups Lists names, addresses, usually telephone numbers, often brief description, and sometimes extensive excerpts from mailings form various peace groups. Categories include: Data-bases; Electronic; Media; Human-Rights; Middle East; Environmental; Economic Justice & Economic Democracy; Civil Rights & Public Advocacy; Political; Women's & Reproductive Rights; Central America; Misc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 social.invest "Is your money being invested in companies building nuclear weapons, or in corporations destroying the environment, or which practice discrimination or ``union-busting''? Money put in your "regular bank" is probably invested in assets promoting such anti-social activities. Below are several places to put your money which *won't* let your money work against your values, where you can ``earn interest on your principles'' in the words of Working Assets. Also described are some ways you can actually financially support the causes you believe in without spending a cent." Working Assets Money Funds, Working Assets Long Distance, etc; Parnassus Fund; Pax World Fund, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 videos "The visual image can be a very powerful tool in awakening people to reality. Imagine setting up several huge screen movie/slide programs, quite graphic, about what our money is doing in Guatemala or El Salvador, or with the `contras', right in front of the White House/Congress, before votes and such. Another important project would be video-tours (w/speakers) centrally coordinated, for campuses and local groups across the country. Use the PSN network, to prep. to run articles (e.g. Breneke trial) in conjunction; plan together the global and local advertising of the tour, graphics, etc." Videos about Iran-Contra; Panama Invasion; UFW's grape boycott; etc ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 AI.videos Contains ordering information for Amnesty International's _The Human Rights Library_, 1990 catalog, free, containing over 100 country reports. Six of the 12 videos listed , w/descriptions are given. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 south.end.press Ordering information and descriptions of a handful of new book releases from South End Press. Entire SEP catalog soon to be on-line ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 AFSCcatalog Selected descriptions of books, videos, maps, etc. from the American Friends Service Committee Peace Education Resource Catalog 1990-1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 quotes For progressive newspaper headers, for articles, and for inspiration. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 ads For use for a progressive-advertisers coop, for PSN Network etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 PeaceNet Electronic brochure by and about PeaceNet describes it fully. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 members AML members and their activist-bios ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 tax.STATS.Z ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 stats ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 jobs For progressives. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 merchandise Bumper stickers, buttons, etc ------------------------------------------------------------------ 25 gnu.manifesto The GNU Manifesto -- Free Software Foundation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 tel/ See "index.tels" (Gov't, media tels, addresses, some label-ready) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 comp/ See "index.comp" (Will include intro for unix novices; emacs intro; intro to UseNet, and any other technical info useful for Progressive Student Newspapers (PSNs) peace groups, and other activists who are not fully computer literate (who among us is?).) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ################################################################## # Copyright 1990, Harel Barzilai for Activists Mailing List (AML)# # You may copy freely so long as you do not charge # # others for it, and include this copyright notice # ################################################################## To join AML, just send the message "SUB ACTIV-L " to the address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET; you should then receive a message confirming that your name has been added to the list. Other addresses to try (only) if the above fails are: "LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU" or "ucscc!umcvmb.missouri.edu!LISTSERV"] If you have problems/questions, contact the list Administrator: Rich Winkel at MATHRICH@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU or MATHRICH%UMCVMB.BITNET