* ACTIV-L ARCHIVE * * This is an edited copy of the ACTIV-L FILELIST, reformatted to be * more readable. The latest versions of this and the filelist can * be had by mailing the commands (1-line email messages) * GET ACTIV-L ARCHIVE ACTIV-L * and * INDEX ACTIV-L * respectively, to LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (alias * LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET) The FILELIST is guaranteed to be up to * date, but its format is uglier. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Any of the following files can be had by mailing the command * GET file name ACTIV-L * to the same address. Note that a file name consists of two words * separated by a blank. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * =============== * Networking info * =============== ACTIV-L ARCHIVE List of files in this archive (this file) AMLDBASE DOC Tutorial on Listserv's database features * NEWSGRP PROPOSAL Orig. charter of UseNet misc.activism.progressive PROJECT PACH-2 The Progressive Alliance Clearing House(PACH)proj * PEACENET BROCHURE About the internat'l nework for peace/justice/env ECONET BROCHURE About PeaceNet's environmental "sister-network" CAMPUS PROGPUBS Email list of Progressive Stud. Newspapers (PSNs) * * ====================== * General Resource Files * ====================== * PUBLCATN RESOURCE Alternative publications GROUPS-1 RESOURCE Dbase;Electr;Media;Spkrs;ME;CvlAdvct;Wmn;WarRsist GROUPS-2 RESOURCE Eco/HzrdWst/Pstcd;Econ Justice/Conversion;Cent-Am SOCIAL INVEST Investing with a conscience * VIDEOS RESOURCE Alternative videos for activism and public educ. AI VIDEOS Videos available from Amnesty Int'l * AMNESTY CATALG90 Amnesty International's "Human Rights Library" AFSC CATALOG Amer Friends Service Comm.:Booklets, Videos, etc. SOUTH END New titles from South End Press * SPEAKOUT BROCHURE Progressive/activist speakers bureau -- available SPEAKOUT BIOS Short bios of Speakout speakers CHOMSKY TAPES Big Catlg; Zinn,Melman,MLK,Caldicott,Cockburn,etc AUDIOVID PARENTI Audio and video tapes of talks by Michael Parenti * DNLYCOLT CATALOG Big ctlg of b-stickers, posters, incl. customized QUOTES RESOURCE For articles, inspiration * * ========================== * Book reviews/reading lists * ========================== * INSIDE LEAGUE Nazis and the World Anti-Communist League(Review) CIA BOOKLIST Books on the CIA with short descriptions REPRESS BOOKLIST Books on political repression/subversion * * ============== * Foreign Policy * ============== * CHOMSKY VICTORS2 Who won Cold War? Encyclopedic survey of 3rd-wrld (parts one and ) domains of Cold-War `victors'; why aren't they (three to come) celebrating? conditions there, incl. vs. EastBloc * E-EUROPE C-AMERIC Comparisons and contrasts by Guat. journalist NESTLE BOYCOTT Profits over lives(literally) of 3rd world babies EASTIMOR INTRO Stop US/Aussie support for little-known genocide! * * ============= * Latin America * ============= * LAT-AMER HMNRTS90 A comparison of HR reports ; surprizing results NUN_TORT GUATMALA US nun alleges US involvement in Guat. Death Sqd HRWATCH COLOMBIA HR Watch: "drug war" = repression in Colombia * * ========= * Nicaragua * ========= * CONTRA TERROR Contras' origins; make-up; practices - documented FSLN H-RIGHTS Documented HRs comparison w/Somoza,Guat,ES,others FSLN MISKITOS Sandinista treatment of Miskitos;Charges & Realit FSLN NICAJEWS Debunks charges of Sandinista 'Anti-Semitism' * OXFAM84 NICARAG Oxfam America's 1984 report on Nicaragua, in full FSLN ACHIEVE Documented: achievements of the Nica. revolution * NICA-84 ELECTION Documented: Fair under Sandinistas; US subversion FAIRNESS NICA-USA Flwup:`Is Nicaragua More Democratic than the US?' NICRAGUA ELECTION Study in US subversion of '90 Nicaraguan election * * =========== * El Salvador * =========== AI_REPT ELSALV Amnesty:So-called `death-squads' are run by army! JOYA BACKGRND Salvadoran `Death Squad' deserter: US involved JOYA MARTINEZ Followup, incl. US efforts to deport Martinez DEATHSQD ES_US ES Death Squads: a pattern of US complicity BEHIND DEATHSQD Behind The Death Squads in ES (frm _Progressive_) GRNBERET TORTURE Two accounts of US 'aid' to El Salvador (1980/82) * WITNESS 2WAR Story of Quaker doctor in El Salvador FMLN BACKGRND origins, authenticity, support; FMLN/Army abuses * BRENDA HUBBARD police terrorize COMADRES(mthrs of pol prisoners) COINTPRO CISPES The FBI's campaign to repress CISPES HRCOMM ELSALV A. Cockburn on the Salv. Hum. Rights Commission * * ================ * The Persian Gulf * ================ * SANE_GLF POLICY NYT(!)Critique blasts policy;offers alternatives CHOMSKY GULFJQ Noam Chomsky writes in the Jewish Quarterly STOCKWEL GULF1 John Stockwell speech on the gulf STOCKWEL GULF2 John Stockwell speech on the gulf GULF-WAR ANALYSIS Z Mag's summary from Albert/Chomsky articles GULF-WAR CHOMSKY Documents: policy aims:avert peaceful resolution AGEE SPEECH Philip Agee on the "gulf crisis" * POST-WAR TEACH-IN MUST READ.Documents:rejecting nonviolent resolutn * ENERGY SECURITY Redefining `security'in the gulf crisis & beyond GULF-WAR ORWELL Chilling account of our `Free Press' at wartime * * ============================================= * The continuing saga of the Iran/Contra affair * ============================================= * IRNCNTRA COVERUP NYT: Iran/Contra committee protected Reagan CIA BABIES Costa-Ric govt confirms CIA/contra/drug/terrorism * OCTOBER SURPRISE The real Irangate scandal ('80 elect. subverted!) VERDICT TREASON Ex-CIA agent's acquittal is Bush's indictment WHEREWAS GEORGE On Oct. 19, 1980? ITT article on October Surprise * * ======================= * The "Secret Government" * ======================= * SECRET CIA_WARS Speech by ex-agent John Stockwell + bibliography CIA_NAZI TORTURE Excerpted from an NYT article (Shah, CIA, SAVAK) CRIMES PATRIOTS CIA at play in Australia (From Kwitny's book) * * ================== * Anti-war resources * ================== * MILITARY DISCHARG Administrative discharges from the military MILITARY DELENTRY Getting out of army's delayed entry program DEMILIT CAMPUS Support for getting your campus off DOD money,etc * * ==================== * Media and propaganda * ==================== * PANAMA INVASION FAIR's report: "How TV Sold the Panama Invasion" CENSORED PROJ1989 Project Censored top 10 stories of 1989 CENSORED PROJ1990 Project Censored top 10 stories of 1990 CONGRESS MEDIA "How capitol hill controls the press" * ABC FAIR Corporate profile of ABC by FAIR |(F)airness & CBS FAIR Corporate profile of CBS by FAIR |(A)ccuracy NBC FAIR Corporate profile of NBC by FAIR |(I)n NYT FAIR Corporate profile of the NYT by FAIR|(R)eporting WPOST FAIR Corporate profile of the Washington Post by FAIR DOWJONES FAIR Corporate profile of DJ by FAIR MCNEIL NITELINE Comparative study of two TV news shows by FAIR * MEDIA RESOURCE Books, organisations, publications, addresses JCOHEN INTRVIEW Interview with Jeff Cohen, media activist PUBLIC DIPLOMCY Reagan's domestic propaganda operation * * =============== * Domestic Policy * =============== * MILITARY ECONOMY Its Pathology;need for conversion(Seymour Melman) FED-BDGT PRIORITY Dramatic chart: program cuts & milit. increases WAR-TAX.ANALYS92 Fiscal '92: what % of your taxes go to war-relatd * ECONOMIC STATS Stats show regressive wealth redistrib 1980-1990 REGRESSV LOC-TAXS Study shows: state & local tax laws regressive POPULIST ECON-1 _New Patriot_: "Wealth & Poverty in Bush's U.S." POPULIST ECON-2 Stats show "smash-and-grab raid on the treasury" POLITICS RICHPOOR Republ. pundit's book,The Politics of Rich & Poor * HEALTH INSURANC General overview cites studies & stats. ANALYSIS NHI Good followup re National Health Insurance * DEATH-P INSTITUT "Common misconceptions about the Death Penalty" DEATH-P AMNESTY Amnesty Internat'l pamphlet on the Death Penalty HUM-RYTS RPRT-USA Amnesty International '90. Focus on Death Penalty * * ========================= * Civil liberties in the US * ========================= * FREEDOM ESSAY A short history of political repression in the US COINTPRO METHODS COINTELPRO techniques and how to protect yourself COMMON SENSE Commonsense ways to handle govt. repression FOIA KIT How to use the Freedom of Info Act FEMA MARTIAL FEMA and martial law * WAR_AT HOME1 Important book on WAR_AT HOME2 FBI political respression WAR_AT HOME3 techniques and how WAR_AT HOME4 to protect yourself. WAR_AT HOME5 A MUST READ FOR ALL ACTIVISTS * ACLU HISTORY Pwrfl speech/'card-carrying' attacks, by ACLU dir PLEDGE ORIGIN "The Strange Origin of the Pledge of Allegiance" * * =================== * Ecology/Environment * =================== * EARTH STATS Ozone; Glbl warming; yrs left of global resources * TOXICAIR EMISSION EPA: Toxic Emissions *much* higher than prev. est RAINFRST DESTRUCT NYT: destruction is much worse than thought OZONE ALERT EPA: Depletion is twice faster than previous est. ASIMOV SAVEARTH His essay:"Is anyone listening? Does anyone care? * GAN-RSRC.ACIDRAIN A collection of excellent resource files compiled GAN-RSRC.GLBLWARM by Global Action Network (GAN); found in gan.* GAN-RSRC.AIR-POLL conf's on PeaceNet. Each file includes a BACKGRND GAN-RSRC NONRNWBL info section; a STATS section; ref's (for stats GAN-RSRC RENEWABL & general) and "resources" section listing books, GAN-RSRC RECYCLE periodicals, organizations, audio/visual, etc. GAN-RSRC HZRD-WST GAN by email: gan@igc.org ; other topics avail. GAN-RSRC PESTICID & Ref-lists of legist from us or on PeaceNet. * * ============================= * Environment and Health/Safety * ============================= * BREATHE CITYDNGR Sci. Studies: Ubran air still kills;causes athsma SCHL-WTR LEAD-PSN 250,000 US kids mentally impaired/yr fm schl watr MEX-CITY AIRKILLS 100,000 children die each year from pollution * * ========================== * Other files of interest... * ========================== * LAROUCHE PART1 A study of the LaRouche movement LAROUCHE PART2 A study of the LaRouche movement LAROUCHE PART3 A study of the LaRouche movement * ********************************************************************** Please contact Harel Barzilai [harel@dartmouth.edu] or Rich Winkel [mathrich@umcvmb.bitnet] if you have any problems/suggestions **********************************************************************