When the World Court ruled against the U.S. for it's illegal war against Nicaragua [including the CIA's mining of Nicaraguan harbors in 1984, and the well-documented, consistant, and deliberate pattern of terrorism against civialians by the "freedom fighters" sent to fight Washington's war], finding the Reagan administration's actions violated international law, it stated that: "between July 1979...and the early months of 1981, an intermittent flow of arms was routed via the territory of Nicaragua to the armed opposition in El Salvador [but] The Court was not, however, satisfied that assistance has reached the Salvadoran armed opposition, on a scale of any significance, since the early months of 1981, or that the Government of Nicaragua was responsible for the flow of arms at either period." [See John Lamperti's A.F.S.C. study "What Are We Afraid Of?"] #################################################################### Tiny article, New York Times, 10/25/88 The U.N. General Assembly called today for "full and immediate compliance" by the U.S. with a World Courty ruling ordering an end to the arming and training of insurgents in Nicaragua and payment for damages caused by military attacks.. resolusion..noted that under U.N. Charter, each member undertakes to adhere to the decision of the World Court "in any case to which it is a party". The decision by the court ["the International Court of Justice", formally] issued in 1986. Vote was 89 to 2 in favor of the resolution, with 48 abstentions Voting against where the U.S. and Israel. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The State Department in 1985 published still another document attempting to prove its case against Nicaragua on the arms flow. [Former CIA analyst] David MacMichael called this paper "the most mendacious document of all time" because it uses deliberate deception right on the cover, the title of the paper, Revolution Beyond our Borders, is taken by a speech by Nicaraguan Interior Minister Toma's Borge, but he is quoted out of context in a manner which suggests the opposite of what he actually said[40] [40] U.S. Department of State, _"Revolution Beyond our Borders": Sandinista Intervention in Central America, September, 1985. The title of this paper is taken from a July 19, 1981 speech by Comandante Toma's Borge, who is quoted out of context. Here is the quotes as given by the State Department: This revolution goes beyond our borders. Our revolution was always internationalist from the moment Sandino fought [his first battle]. And for comparison here is a longer excerpt from the same speech with the State Department's quotation in italics: Nicaragua is no longer unknown. Now it is part of the wave of revolutions in our era. It is a country with great moral authority, not only in Central America, not only in Latin America, but in the whole world. We are proud to be Nicaraguans. _This revolution transcends national boundaries_. _Our revolution has always been internationalist, ever since Sandino fought_ in the Segovias. There were internationalists from all over the world who fought alongside Sandino, men from Venezuela, Mexico, Peru. Another who fought alongside Sandino was the great hero of the Salvadoran people named Farabundo Marti' It is not strange that we are internationalists, because this is something we got from Sandino. all the revolutionaries and all the peoples of Latin America especially know that our people's heart is with them, beat alongside theirs...This does not mean that we export our revolution. It is enough -- and we couldn't do otherwise-- for us to export our example, the example of the courage, sensitivity and determination of our people. How could we not be upset about the injustices that are committed in different parts of the world? But we know that it is the people themselves of these countries who must make their revolution, and we know that by advancing our revolution we are also helping our brothers and sisters in the rest of Latin America... Our internationalism is primarily expressed by consolidating our own revolution, working selflessly day in and day out and training ourselves militarily to defend our homeland. The fuller quotation from Borge's speech is from Bruce Marcus (editor), _Sandinistas Speak: Speeches, Writings and Interviews With Leaders of Nicaragua's Revolution_ (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1982), page 132. The State Department's out-of-context excerpt was used earlier in the same deceptive way by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Nestor Sanchez in his article "Revolutionary Change and the Nicaraguan People," _Strategic Review_, Summer 1984, pate 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------