================================================== Lead in drinking water mentally and physically impairs 250,000 American school children each year ================================================== Auditors: EPA, states, break laws, don't test water safety ================================================== --> [Send the 1-line message GET SCHL-WTR LEAD-PSN ACTIV-L to] [LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET for a copy of this file. ] --> [Send GET ACTIV-L ARCHIVE ACTIV-L to above address for a ] [listing with brief descriptions of other files available] [NOVEMBER 1, 1990] "Four years after the government imposed tough rules to limit the amount of lead in drinking water, federal auditors warn that hundreds of thousands of American children may still be drinking lead- contaminated water at school. "The auditors said in a recently completed report that state agencies and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] are failing to enforce laws requiring school districts to test their water for dangerous levels of lead. The laws were imposed after it was determined that some water coolers and water fountains could taint drinking water with lead. "The 13 school districts in the survey -- all in the mid-Atlantic region -- did not test their water, did not follow federal testing standards or did only a limited amount of testing "`Our findings confirm that harmful amounts of lead exist in the drinking water provided by schools,' the auditors said. `We believe that both EPA and the states must be more aggressive in eliminating the health hazards imposed by lead in drinking water.' "Even in trace amounts in the human body, lead can do severe damage to the kidneys, the brain and the circulatory system. Children and pregnant women are at greatest risk. "The EPA has estimated that each year more than 250,000 children are exposed to lead in drinking water at levels high enough to impair their intellectual and physical development." ################################################################## The title and subtitle at the top are my additions; Article is from bottom of page 12 [!], under the kinder, gentler title: "After 4 years, rules fail to rid school's drinking water of lead," in Chicago Tribune, Nov. 1, 1990. From New York Times News Service. Reminds me of the Back-Page article about 90% of their American readers paying more taxes now than in '80, while richest 1% pay less. [Use GET command on archived file ECONOMIC STATS] ================================================================== To get a file named ABC XYZ from the archiver (all file names are two words separated by a space), one sends the 1-line message GET ABC XYZ ACTIV-L to: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET ################################################################## ############################################################### # Harel Barzilai for Activists Mailing List (AML) # ################################################################ { For more info about ACTIV-L or PeaceNet's brochure send } { inquiries to harel@dartmouth.edu / mathrich@umcvmb.bitnet } To join AML, just send the 1-line message "SUB ACTIV-L " to: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET; you should receive a confirmation message within 2 days. Alternate address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU Qs/problems: Rich Winkel, MATHRICH@UMCVMB.["MISSOURI.EDU" or "BITNET"]