WITNESS 2WAR Story of Quaker doctor in El Salvador GRNBERET TORTURE Two accounts of US 'aid' to El Salvador COINTPRO CISPES The FBI's campaign to repress CISPES DEATHSQD ES_US ES Death Squads: a pattern of US complicity BEHIND DEATHSQD Behind The Death Squads in ES JOYA MARTINEZ The latest ES refugee to allege US DS involvement AI_REPT ELSALV Amnesty Int'l on ES HRCOMM ELSALV A. Cockburn on ES HR commission NUN_TORT GUATMALA US nun alleges US involvement in Guat. DS HRWATCH COLOMBIA HR Watch: "drug war"=repression in Colombia NICRAGUA ELECTION A study in US subversion of democratic processes FSLN ACHIEVE Achievements of the revolution in Nicaragua OXFAM84 NICARAG 1984 Oxfam bulletin on Nicaragua CONTRA TERROR An account of atrocities ------------------------------------------------------------------ "E-EUROPE C-AMERIC" asked for archiving 2/26/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "AI.ES.rprt" [16 K] Contains extensive excerpts from Amnesty International's comprehensive [50+ page] report of October 1988, "El Salvador: ``Death Squads'' -- A Government Strategy" The subtitle says it all. *Must* reading for those unfamiliar with such realities as "death squads" = "army & sec. forces" or who are writing articles (e.g. in PSNs) about El Salvador, as the American public is entirely unfamiliar -and desperately needs to become familiar- with these basic facts. File contains ordering information. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "AI.ES.briefs" [6 K] A shorter version of the above, containing key quotes arranged with (minimal) narration to answer the three questions: "Who are/runs the ``Death Squads''?"; "Who are the victims?"; and "To what extent, if any, have the criminals been held accountable for their actions?" Perhaps an ideal introduction to the subject for both those who don't trust "us leftists' version" and those who are sympathetic but are unfamiliar with the subject or the details/extent of Salvadoran state terror. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "letter.from-ES" [12 K] A first-hand account by an American woman [then] living in El Salvador of life [and repression] there, under the then-new Cristiani government... including the ``disappearance'' of a close friend of hers by the military. From an article posted to misc.headlines.unitex in Sept '89 by Ken Fishkin ["..ucbvax!pixar!fishkin"] ------------------------------------------------------------------ "q.duarte" [1.5 K] An important quote by former Salvadoran President Duarte, about the roots of the Salvadoran civil war; i.e. repression, poverty, etc, not external `subversion' or `communism.' Again, a good reference for both skeptics and as a quote in articles. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "robertW.NYT" [3 K] Some pretty powerful excerpts from a letter to the New York Times [Nov. 21, 1989, following murder of Jesuits] by former U.S. Ambassador Robert White, about the bombings of civilians, the immunity of the security forces for the crimes they carry out on a massive scale against the populace, and how an "outdated security doctrine" has put the U.S. "in league with a clique of assassins masquerading as an army..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and third item: comparative number of civilinas killed by FMLN and Salvadoran army (it's not even close) These three files are under fmln.backgrnd; send GET FMLN BACKGRND ACTIV-L to LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET ------------------------------------------------------------------ "comadres" [10 K] Describes the ordeal of American citizen Brenda Hubbard, and others, who were arrested by the Treasury Police on November 15, 1989. Gives a first-hand account of the routine practice of beatings, torture, sexual abuse, and other forms of brutality by the Treasury Police (and other security forces of El Salvador) Taken from the CoMadres(*) Bulletin of Dec. 1989 [(*)Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador]; see AML resource file "groups" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "guat.nun" [6.5 K] Article about the the abduction, rape, and torture of U.S. nun Diana Ortiz in Guatemala by armed men linked to the Guatemalan National Police and the U.S. Embassy, during the fall of 1989; and about the subsequent suppression of this story (and resistance to an investigation) by the U.S. government. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "folgers" [5 K] From an AML post about Neighbor to Neighbor's boycott of Folgers coffee which supports the death squad(s/government) in El Salvador. Includes summary; NtN's leaflet on the boycott; letter to ITT from someone who called Procter&Gamble (which owns Folgers) ------------------------------------------------------------------ "ES.HRs.commiss" [11 K] An article, "El Salvador: The Movie They Wouldn't Watch" by Alexander Cockburn & Richard McKerrow, from In These Times, May 16-22 '90. Covers: The work of the non-governmental Salvadoran Human Rights Commission (CDHES) (much complied from fellow torture victims while in prison); a video and book [ordering info in article]was compiled from these by the Marin Interfaith Task Force on Central America, which held a news conference with Rep. Boxer, with Sen Kerry backing out of appearing at the last moment, and similar avoidance by the mainstream press; ending with Cockburn's political analysis of legislative prospects. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "ITT.joya" [3 K] On the Nov. 1, 1989 press conference [less than 3 weeks before the murder of the Jesuits] in Washington by Salvadoran army deserter Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez, former member of the First Infantry Brigade's intelligence unit, which employed Martinez as an assassin for their "missions" in the guise of death squads. U.S. support for the unit -e.g. renting a safe-house for the unit- is also described. Excerpts from an In These Times article (Nov. 1989). ------------------------------------------------------------------ "cburn.joya" [8.5 K] Excerpts from an article by Alexander Cockburn and Richard McKerrow, [In These Times, Aug. 1-14, 1990]: Bush administration is trying to deport to El Salvador former Salvadoran Army ``Death-Squad'' member and whistle-blower Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez, who has linked US, CIA, high ES officials, -including. Pres. Cristiani- to death squad operations. Martinez has information on the murder of Jesuits.. Martinez's information is corroborated by a fellow deserting officer.. [Note, fall 1990: I'm not sure whether Martinez has been deported but it appear not since I have heard nothing from ITT on the matter; it appears that pressure from peace- and human rights groups has worked, for now --HB] ------------------------------------------------------------------ "bonner.US@DSs" [5 K] Excerpts from the article "US advisors saw ``torture class,'' Salvadoran says" by Raymond Bonner in the New York Times, 1/11/81: "A 21 year old who asserts that he is a former Salvadoran soldier says that US military advisors were present at two "training sessions" early last year when two suspected guerrillas [17 year old boy and 13 year old girl] were tortured by Salvadoran army instructors;" "soldiers were instructed by their officer..to kill anyone, including old people, women and children..the soldiers were told that `the majority of the peasants are guerrillas.'" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "CAIB.DS-class" [7.5 K] Excerpts from Covert Action Information Bulletin, #16, 3/1982. Contains graphic details of torture of boys and girls. U.S. involvement: green beret heads `torture class': "It was one of the green berets doing the teaching. The green beret did the torture on the first one and then the others did the tortures on the others." ------------------------------------------------------------------ "essay.godoy" [17.5 K] A beautifully written article/essay in The Nation [March 5, 1990] by Julio Godoy, a Guatemalan journalist and former Nieman Fellow at Harvard: "Return to Guatemala // Unlike East Europe, Fear Without Hope" A refreshing contrast to the dogma about "anti-communism = democracy triumphing in both," Godoy compares and contrasts the two regions' histories; domination by a superpower; Guatemala and Czechoslovakia; the Brezhnev Doctrine and the Monroe Doctrine. "Considering Washington's choices in Central America, one is tempted to believe that some people in the White House worship Aztec gods -with the offering of Central American blood." ------------------------------------------------------------------ "bill.3733" [3 K] Excerpts from a posting to the Net about bill 3733 [Dec. '89], to cut aid to El Salvador. Contains summary of human rights and political developments in El Salvador during that period, and of bill's provisions (seven conditions for resuming aid) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ################################################################### # Copyright 1990, Harel Barzilai for Activists Mailing List (AML) # # You may copy freely so long as you do not charge # # others for it, and include this copyright notice # #harelb@zaphod.UChicago.EDU /\ harelb%zaphod@gargoyle.Uchicago.EDU# ################################################################## To join AML, just send the message "SUB ACTIV-L " to the address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET; you should then receive a message confirming that your name has been added to the list. 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