Posted again Jan 6-7, 1991; helicopter incident, unresolved, may be usd by Bush to renew aid to ES. ================================================================== From midway!arthur!harelb Tue Nov 6 19:46:24 CST 1990 Subject: BACKGROUND on: Congress Cuts Funding of Salvadoran Army Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 01:28:12 GMT "Amnesty International has concluded that the Salvadoran `death squads' are simply used to shield the government from accountability for the torture, `disappearance' and extrajudicial executions committed in their name. The squads are made up of *regular army and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ police agents*, acting in uniform or plain clothes, *under the orders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of superior officers*." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Amnesty International, "El Salvador: ``Death Sqauds'' -- A Government Strategy" [emphasis added; from Who Runs the ``Death Squads''", pp. 8-9] The following, AML-library file "AI.ES.briefs", is a collection of quotes from this report by Amnesty International (ordering information at the end) These brief quotes are divided into three sections which may be titled: "Who runs the ``Death Squads''"; "Who are the victims"; and "To what extent, if any, have the criminals been held accountable?" Aside from being one of the top effectively censored facts about the "democracy we are supporting" in El Salvador, the Salvadoran army's *strategy* of murdering civilian noncombatants -peasants, members of cooperatives, etc (see below)- and it's immunity from prosecution are crucial to keep in mind to avoid the fatal mistake of linking U.S. aid strictly to the few high-profile cases such as the murder of the Jesuits. As one activist wrote some months ago in frustration: There will, surely, be an attempt to ram military aid through on the grounds that the government of El Salvador has shown its good faith by pursuing the murder of the priests. If that works, it is the fault of critics and dissidents, who have focused on the murder of prominent figures as if that were more important than massive slaughter, torture, and terror when the targets are less prominent. Who is calling for an inquiry into the death squad assassination of Hector Oqueli a few days ago, not to speak of the murder, torture, and disappearance of innumerable others in what remains, as it has always been, a government policy of intimidation, just as AI says. Read on... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Who Runs the ``Death Squads''? ============================== "The testimony of armed forces personnel, the details of thousands of case studies and other information examined by Amnesty International lead to the conclusion that actions attributed by authorities to "death squads" are routinely carried out by regular units of the armed forces which include the military and the security services, and by special intelligence units that incorporate civilian gunmen under their supervision and control." [Conclusions, p. 44] "The Salvadorian Government maintains that `death squad'-style killings are the work of extremist groups beyond its control. However, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the squads are made up of regular troops and police -- that they form an intrinsic part of the security apparatus" [Back cover] [Plus see opening quote] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [Continued in next article] ****************************************************************** [This 50 page report, with pictures (which are clearer in the Spanish edition), is only $5 from Amnesty International, Publications, 322 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10001. Ask for "El Salvador: ``Death Squads'' -- A Government Strategy", first published in October, 1988; or call Amnesty at: (212)807-8400 (ask for "publications") No credit card necessary. [I also have more recent AI publications, not on line, documenting the continued terror] ****************************************************************** [More extensive excerpts are available in the AML file "AI.ES.rprt"; but if you view that, you may as well (and should) spend the $5 to see the originl] ################################################################### # Harel Barzilai for Activists Mailing List (AML) # #harelb@zaphod.UChicago.EDU /\ harelb%zaphod@gargoyle.Uchicago.EDU# ################################################################### To join AML, just send the message "SUB ACTIV-L " to the address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET; you should then receive a message confirming that your name has been added to the list. Other addresses to try (only) if the above fails are: "LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU" or "ucscc!!LISTSERV"] If you have problems/questions, contact the list administrator: Rich Winkel at MATHRICH@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU or MATHRICH%UMCVMB.BITNET