To:,,,activ-l@umcvmb.bitnet Subject: Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes --text follows this line-- PeaceNet forward (see bottom) ============================= From cscheiner Tue Mar 12 22:35 PST 1991 ================================================================== /* Written 10:34 pm Mar 12, 1991 by cscheiner in cdp:mideast.actions */ /* ---------- "RESIST WAR TAXES" ---------- */ ================================================================== War Resisters League has just published their annual "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" flyer: ______________________________ | | | 29% current military | | | | 23% past military | | | | 9% S&L bailout | | | | 6% physical resources | | | | 23% human resources | | | | 10% general government. | | | ------------------------------ The Gulf War was not included in the 1991 or 1992 budget, but the back of the flyer has some pre-cease-fire estimates. The flyer also includes a "What You Can Do" section. [Flyer includes section describing the calculation of the above percentages ("past military" being the only item (as percentage of total debt) which had to be estimated) --Harel] Copies are 10c each (1-199), 7c each up to 500, 5c over 500. ################################################################## Note: War Resisters Leage can be reached at: 339 Lafayette Street, NY NY 10012, 212-228-0450. Or at "wrl" on PeaceNet -------------------------------------------- To send email to a PeaceNet account "XYZ" just substitute "XYZ" for "peacenet" in the following: Internet: cdp! Bitnet: cdp!peacenet%labrea@stanford UUCP: uunet!pyramid!cdp!peacenet DASNet: [DE3MIR]peacenet -------------------------------------------- For general questions/help, substitute "support" for "peacenet" above. Harel ################################################################## For more information about ACTIV-L or PeaceNet's brochure, send inquiries to ################################################################### # Harel Barzilai for Activists Mailing List (AML) # ################################################################### To join AML, just send the message "SUB ACTIV-L " to the address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET; you should then receive a message confirming that your name has been added to the list. Alternate address: "LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU" List Administrator: Rich Winkel, MATHRICH@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU / MATHRICH%UMCVMB.BITNET