From cdp!christic%labrea.Stanford.EDU@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU Mon Feb 25 23:05:33 1991 Return-Path: <@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU:ACTIV-L@UMCVMB.BITNET> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 91 18:32:37 PST Reply-To: cdp!christic%labrea.Stanford.EDU@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU Sender: Activists Mailing List From: cdp!christic%labrea.Stanford.EDU@DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU Subject: CENSORED: NORTH CONFLICT To: Multiple recipients of list ACTIV-L /* Written 4:29 pm Feb 25, 1991 by christic in */ /* ---------- "28 TOP CENSORED STORIES OF 1990" ---------- */ ----------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH ACQUITTAL: ALL IN THE FAMILY Project Censored: Nomination for the ``Ten Best Censored Stories of 1990'' Substantial questions of conflict of interest should be raised in connection with the July 20, 1990 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington to void the three-count conviction of former White House aide Oliver North on charges stemming from the Iran- contra scandal. Judge Laurence H. Silberman, a member of the three- judge panel that threw out the convictions, has ties to at least one of North's co-conspirators, and participated in activities that closely paralleled and possibly even initiated North's arms-for- hostages dealings. Silberman's vote proved decisive in the court's 2-1 ruling to throw out North's convictions. A key Iran-contra figure linked to Silberman is Robert McFarlane, former-President Reagan's National Security Advisor, and North's former boss. In the fall of 1980, Silberman and McFarlane took part in a controversial meeting to discuss the possible release of the 52 American hostages being held in Teheran in exchange for U.S. military equipment. Silberman, at the time, was a top advisor to the Reagan-Bush presidential campaign. McFarlane was on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Also present at the meeting was Richard Allen, Silberman's immediate superior and chief foreign policy analyst for the Republican campaign, and another man who claimed to be a representative of the Iranian government. The four men met in the lobby of the L'Enfant Hotel in Washington D.C., shortly before the 1980 presidential election. Significant details remain sketchy, however. ``All I can remember was that there was discussion about somehow releasing the hostages to the Reagan campaign or under the auspices of the Reagan humiliate Carter and influence our election,'' Silberman told the San Jose Mercury News. In 1988, Houshang Lavi, an Iranian-born arms dealer, stepped forward claiming to be the ``emissary'' who met with Silberman, McFarlane, and Allen. Silberman does not deny knowing Lavi, but in an interview in Newsday, he stated that he was ``sure'' that Lavi was not the emissary at L'Enfant Plaza. After being confronted with Lavi's notes from the meeting, however, Silberman downgraded his disclaimer to being ``virtually certain.'' As we now know, both Allen and McFarlane went on to become President Reagan's National Security Advisor, and interestingly enough, Silberman went on to become the Reagan-Bush transition team's liason to the CIA during the period between the election and the inauguration before being appointed to the federal judiciary by President Reagan in 1985. At this point, Judge Silberman, who made North's acquittal possible, isn't returning phone calls, and independent counsel Lawrence Walsh has refused comment on the matter. And so, it seems, has the press. SOURCE: RANDOM LENGTHS, 8/16/90, ``North Verdict Tainted,'' by David Armstrong, pp 1-6.