From cdp!christic@labrea.Stanford.EDU Wed Apr 24 20:18:09 1991 Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 18:27:57 PDT From: cdp!christic@labrea.Stanford.EDU To: labrea!!harelb Subject: Re: using PeaceNet Hi there, Harel. I've already sent in my votes on the renaming referendum, and have read some of the more bizarre comments posted by sore losers on news.groups. Will be glad to participate in the planning conferences. Keep me posted. To post on a usenet conference from PeaceNet, you simply use the {w}rite command on the command line--just as you would post on a PeaceNet conference. Then you have the option of writing a {n}ew message header or {r}eplying to a message already posted. The system prompts are more or less self-explanatory. As far as posting to PeaceNet conferences from your site, I don't have the foggiest. May want to contact PeaceNet support on that one, although I'm not sure they'd know the answer, either. On PeaceNet, by the way, I can quickly copy any message I've read on one conference (or in my mailbox) to any other conference. When you've read the message (or the first screen of it) you just use the {w}rite command, then type {f}orward or {s}end. The latter command allows you to rename the message header. Then at the prompt you type {conf:alt.activism} or whatever. Again, the prompts explain themselves. That's how I cross-post from the conference to Usenet conferences. All the best, Andy