4 Topic 4 Activist Info Resources support IGC Conferences by Category 3:30 pm Apr 10, 1991 Activist Info Resources Conferences: akashic.record -- Resources, culled from various print sources, to use in debates and education relevant to change and the evolution of a saner world. at.library -- A 'database' of documents related to appropriate technology. boycott.alerts -- Lists companies and/or products to be considered for a boycott due to environmentally unsound practices of the company, or environmentally unsound impacts of the product. changewater.le -- Distributes the new activist software letter-writing tool, Changewater Letters. cit.diplomacy -- Issues, events and discussion concerning citizen diplomacy. cn.guide -- Consumer guide to selecting a third party for involvement in conflict/dispute negotiation. comcause.exch -- Open conference for comments and exchange with Common Cause, a national citizens' organization. comcause.info -- Public, read-only conferencing containing general information about Common Cause, a national citizens' organization focusing on improving the political process. ega.directory -- The Environmental Grantmakers Association Directory is a working document of approximately 90 foundations interested in environmental grantmaking. ega.grants -- Quarterly reports of grants made by foundation members of the Environmental Grantmakers Association. gan.agencies -- Addresses and phone numbers of key U.S. Government Offices and Agencies engaged in environmental matters. gan.congressby -- Names, addresses and phone numbers of Congress members listed by state. gan.energy -- Background, legislative and action information with recommended resources related to ENERGY which does or will include information on NON-RENEWABLES, RENEWABLES, TRANSPORTATION and related topics. gan.housecommi -- List of House of Representatives committees dealing with specific environmental issues. gan.senatecomm -- List of Senate Committees focusing on specific environmental issues. gen.bigbro -- State security activities, surveillance, tapping, controls gen.eventplan -- Help, advice and experience on organising and planning events - a collection of dos and don'ts. gen.organizing -- Issues related to organizing-- from an activist perspective as well as organizing any group activity. gen.travel -- Support for people travelling, including details of places to stay ,places to see and people to contact. geo2.antenna -- A variety of directory information about Non Governmental Organizations and nonprofit organizations around the world. May not be current. Read only. glen.general -- Great Lakes Electronic Network and their efforts to provide environmental groups and individual citizens with an ongoing information source, reference facility, organizing tool, support base and network of contacts. green.library -- Information and documents pertaining to the U.S. Greens Movement: bibliographies, history, values, rorganization, past activities, listings of Green Groups around the country. intl.volunteer -- International volunteer work for peace/environment. ipis.highschoo -- Recruiting high school students to the peace movement. macrocosm -- Resource guide for coalition-building, research & education about a variety of issues concerning current planetary crises. mcli.peacelaw -- Summary descriptions of facts and law in 135 current and recent cases from Peace Law & Education Project Brief and Issues Bank. Practical legal materials that can be used by peace activists. military.draft -- Resources and services for counseling of draftees, reservists and active duty soldiers, including issues of alternatives to active duty. nonviolent.act -- Current information on the practice of nonviolent civil disobedience, its consequences and new of current actions. nwf.consdirect -- Contains the Conservation Directory of the National Wildlife Federation. nwf.envaction -- This conference is facilitated by the Office of Legislative Affairs of the National Wildlife Federation. Only NWF can initiat new topics. All users are invited to respond to topics. nwfc.media -- Sample press releases, press statements and letters-to-the-editor relevant to the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. orgs.funding -- Information on organizations that fund social action activities. orgs.media.aff -- Information on media organizations that support the social action movement. oz.attitudes -- Examine attitudes that hinder peace and environmental reforms. pn.publiceye -- Issues involving the right to know, the freedom to act, domestic repression and social justice. reset.nl -- News on activist computing; contains the RESET NEWSLETTER ONLINE. servas.travel -- General information about Servas International, a global organization that promotes person-to-person contact between hosts and travelers interested in promoting world peace. sf.media -- Sample press releases, statements and letters-to-the-editor supplied by SANE/Freeze. speakout -- Political speakers bureau for speakers committed to the politics of social change. stp.usergroup -- Encourages effective use of a letter-writing software program regarding environmental issues-- especially global warming. texnet.general -- Announcements, alerts, and other concerns on Texas environmental and consumer issues. texnet.legis -- Announces and tracks legislation at the state and national level which impacts Texas environment and consumers. texnet.pols -- Up-to-date listing of Texas' elected officials -- both at the state and national level. twr.nl -- Annotated lists of third world related organizations, books, periodicals, pamphlets and audio-visuals. Sponsored by Third World Resources. volunteer.help -- Information about IGC Networks' Volunteer Assistance Network. If you're willing to volunteer time helping others use the network, register in this conference. If you're looking for someone to help you, check out the list of volunteers Conf?