gan.air.climat -- GOOD STUFF - a la resource files. gan..... (also "waterissue" of somesuch) ################################################################## Topic 5 ENERGIZING AMERICA: SHORT-CIRCUITE peb peb.population 1:16 pm Dec 7, 1990 "ENERGIZING AMERICA: SHORT-CIRCUITED BY OVERPOPULATION" The precarious nature of the United States' thoughtless approach to meeting its energy needs has been grandly illuminated by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The U.S. economy is addicted to oil and gas, which together account for 66% of the primary energy supply consumed in the U.S. Aside from our vulnerability to Mideast politics, our historical reliance on oil and gas poses a grave dilemma, for the world supply of these two fossil fuels is finite. At current rates of use, the U.S. will virtually exhaust domestic supplies by the year 2025, while world oil and gas reserves will run dry some 30 years later. Thus, even if population were ##################################################################peb.population 11/27/90 1*The Purpose of This Conference econet 2*Population-Environment Balance Is econet 3*Conference Sign-In & Comments 2 econet 12/07/90 4*QUALITY OF LIFE & POPULATION peb 5 ENERGIZING AMERICA: SHORT-CIRCUITE peb 1/04/91 6 ISAAC ASIMOV: IS ANYONE LISTENING? peb 7*INCREASES IN FERTILITY RATES peb 8*DOUBLING TIMES & POPULATION GROWTH peb 9*G. HARDIN: BIGGER IS LESS FREE peb ################################################################## ** EcoNet Public Conferences: en.cleanair Description: Issues of air pollution, including government policy and initiatives to public forum and action ideas. Contacts: web:spider keys: acid, rain, pollution, precipitation, air, climate en.climate Description: Discussion of pollution, its effects on our world and methods for dealing with it. Contacts: nsundt keys: energy, ozone, carbon, dioxide, climate, air, pollution, agriculture, transportation, conservation, fluorocarbons, halons, deforestation en.pollution Description: Pollution issues, including effects, sources, policy and advocacy. Contacts: tgray keys: pollution, environment, ecology en.waste Description: Issues of waste management from toxic pollution to action planned against polluters. Contacts: econet keys: waste, management, recycling, energy, pollution en.water Description: Domestic and international information and resources regarding water pollution, coastal zone management, wetland protection, river conservation, fish & wildlife. Contacts: nec, tgray keys: water, pollution, wetlands, coasts, rivers, fish, wildlife en.urban Description: Environmental issues concerning towns & cities. Sponsor: Friends of the Earth Contacts: gn:foecities keys: traffic, transportation, urban, planning, land use, pollution, parks, community, waste ** Organization-Sponsored EcoNet Conferences: awea.windnews Description: Discussion of wind energy, including back issues of the American Wind Energy Assocation newsletter. Sponsor: American Wind Energy Association Contacts: tgray keys: environment, pollution, water, air, nuclear, toxics, forest, genetics ccn.capacity Description: Info on U.S. carrying capacity issues and likages among environmental, population, economic and social issues. Sponsor: Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. Contacts: smabley keys: population, resources, food, agriculture, hunger, poverty, immigration, energy, birth, planning, abortion, pollution, deforestation, growth peb.population Description: This conference concentrates on overpopulation in the U.S. & ways that is exacerbating glboal warming, overdevelopment, air pollution, waste disposal, educational systems, etc. For anyone with concern who is interested in learning more. Sponsor: Population-Environment Balance Conference ##################################################################