From cdp!support2@labrea.Stanford.EDU Tue Jun 4 01:44:01 1991 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 21:31:41 PDT From: cdp!support2@labrea.Stanford.EDU To: Subject: harelb - mailing to conf Harel, Thanks for the suggestion, I'll pass it along. Yes, you can mail a message and have it end up as a response. If you ,ws a mail message and give the name of an existing topic, EXACTLY, in the Subject: field, the message will be added to that topic as a response. Regards, Tom ------------- To: Subject: forwarding from mail Status: RO Thanks for the info (Tom (always?)) about (r)eview after forwarding >from (m)ail [To be honest, it's rather primitive compared to unix. Until the day comes and PeacNet *is* able to provide an "emacs" type editor, however, one additional command which would be *very* helpful would be a "go to the next line"; that way, if I want to delete the top 10 lines, which are the header, I find the first line, then (d)elete (n)ext-line (d)elete (n)ext-line ... What I have to do now, even with (r)eview, is much longer, needing to search for "to" "from" Subject" "status" etc etc each keyword in the header, then delete it, (e)xit review, find the next keyword,etc] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Anyway, I'm wondering if there is a way to forward to a conference >from mail, just as (w)rite (s)ent, only to have it be a *response* (For example, I've just posted a batch of resource files to gen.references by emailing to my PeaceNet account and then (w)rite (s)ending. But big things like the AFSC catalog would best also be posted in parts, with each section of the catalog a separate response, the first on the "contents" etc, just as I've seen others post.