-- conference directory -- Network: (a)ll, (o)ther, or for PeaceNet (? for help): alert Network: (a)ll, (o)ther, or for PeaceNet (? for help): a Enter name, keyword, or for all (? for help): alert Do you want: a (b)rief, (m)edium or (c)omplete listing (? for help): m Conferences marked with a `*' are privately listed to your group `pnmisc'. This may take a while... ** EcoNet Network Resources: en.alerts -- Short and urgent announcements and alerts for the environmental movement. ** Organization-Sponsored EcoNet Conferences: texnet.general -- Announcements, alerts, and other concerns on Texas environmental and consumer issues. ** PeaceNet Network Resources: pn.alerts -- Short and urgent announcements of peace, social justice or human rights issues. ** Organization-Sponsored PeaceNet Conferences: ai.uan -- Amnesty International's Urgent Action Alerts on human rights. apt.alerts -- Information about past and future nuclear weapons tests. It aims to trigger actions and disseminate news of protests. asafrica.forum -- A discussion area for campaigning on South Africa and apartheid, including exchange of news, alerts, ideas, questions and resources. Sponsored by Action South Africa. (same as reg.safrica) clw.hotline -- Information on the progress (or otherwise) of peace issues in the US congress with a regular update. Sponsored by the Council for a Liveable World. iscos.bulletin -- Weekly bulletins and alerts on space-related issues prepared by the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space. execution.aler -- Information about upcoming executions. nwfc.lobby -- Current, detailed information on legislation that SANE/Freeze supports, including legislative alerts. sf.lobby -- Current detailed information on legislation that SANE/Freeze supports, including strategy plans and action alerts. wsp.alerts -- Legislative newsletter on peace issues. Sponsored by Women Strike for Peace. ** CARNet Network Resources: carnet.alerts -- Messages requiring urgent action on Central American issues. ** IGC Public Conferences: boycott.alerts -- Lists companies and/or products to be considered for a boycott due to environmentally unsound practices of the company, or environmentally unsound impacts of the product. ** International Conferences: reg.japan -- News, analysis or action alerts concerning peace, nuclear, economic, foreign policy and other issues concerning Japan. ** Pegasus (Australia) Network Resources: oz.alerts -- Short and time-urgent announcements pertaining to Australia. ** Web (Canada) Network Resources: web.alerts -- Time urgent messages relevant to Canadians. 17 conferences listed for keyword alert. -----