Hi again, Good news: I've received a letter from and replied to Howard Frederick, director of PeaceNet. The letters follow below. I'll post a cleaned-up up version of the letter I sent to Andy, summarizing the project ideas, to AML soon. In the meantime, aside from needing your help soon in creating a UseNet newsgroup for the Progressive Alliance Clearing House (PACH) project and PSN-EN (Progressive Student Newspaper Electronic Network) project, I ask that you all email me updates as to what projects you've been working on, who you've been contacting, etc. For example, I just heard from Rich Winkel that he has contacted NLNS (New Liberation News Service), which Charlie Forcey has been doing as well. So, to avoid duplicate efforts, and to actually discuss together by email such ventures, I'm going to post a digest (I had already drafted one, but I guess I should have posted it earlier) of excerpts from people's letter of what they've been up to, their comments and questions, who they've contacted, etc. So this stuff to me (e.g. Bob M; tell me about your proj; Rich W, about NLNS etc) by Tuesday (for the first such digest, say) and I'll periodically post such digests. More to come... Harel ------------------------------------------------------------------ From: cdp!hfrederick Date: Sun, 14 Oct 90 13:11:09 -0700 Subject: Activist mailing list Cc: christic@arisia.Xerox.COM Dear Harel: What a great idea you have! Andy Lang sent me a copy of your letter to him. I wonder if there is some way for Peacenet to cooperate. I'll send you our electronic brochure next, but I'm not sure if you know that we have 8,000 subscribers in 50 countries, including many of the large international peace and environment organizations. Actually, what I'm thinking is to give you a free Peacenet account and let you run this operations out of here. What do you think of that? We are on the Internet and Bitnet, plus we have gateways to some 60 other international computer systems. If you're interested, please let me know. At least we could provide you will the bitnet addresses of some of the key peace organizations on our networks, such as Amnesty, AFSC, FOR, WRL, WRI, VVAW, etc etc. Howard Frederick, PeaceNet Director ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Howard, [...] >Actually, what I'm thinking is to give you a free Peacenet >account and let you run this operations out of here. I'd very much appreciate receiving such an account. As far as "running the operations" of PACH or PSN-EN, and rather than (or really, in addition to) sending me bitnet addresses of peace groups on PeaceNet, I thought you/PeaceNet could post a variant on the letter Andy Lang sent you (which I will prepare (actually, announcement + at least one background file; currently everything I've written re PACH totals 39K -- I'll condense)) to PeaceNet. That way I wouldn't have to work separately in contacting each one, as I had with LADB and Christic. As I mentioned in my letter to Barbara Kohl of LADB, I'm a full time grad. student (just finished second topic exam, about to look for thesis subj., and thus I've had much more free time these past two weeks than I will in the near future), and so anything which would save wo/man power/hours would be appreciated. So these groups would post their updates, alerts, newsletters/calendars, etc, to the proposed UseNet newsgroup alt.pach, which would otherwise be moderated (can this be done with a moderated newsgroup, give permission to N others to post to it?) Actually, perhaps what could be even more efficient (and save the groups time as well) would be to agree with PeaceNet that it would post directly to alt.pach selected items (agreed upon in advance) from PeaceNet regularly (e.g., have the software be instructed to post LADB's "CA Updates" to ____ UseNet(Internet) address along with the appropriate PeaceNet conference) When I have more time, I'll get back to you regarding the rest of what I've alluded to; in the meantime, what do you think of these suggestions? Harel ------------------------------------------------------------------