Hi folks ("Dear Fellow Activists"/"Dear AMLers" ??), As you know, Rich Winkel and I had made contact with the Christic Institute, via Andrew Lang (now on AML), and they have since been posting selected Christic updates/alerts from PeaceNet to AML, notably recently about the covert operations "reform" bill and the Boxer amendment. I've since contacted Barbara Kohl of Latin American Data Base (LADB), the source of the Central America Update bulletins which I enjoyed last year on misc.headlines.unitex (which is no more) and which are also posted to PeaceNet, I learned. LADB would be happy to post CA Updates to AML, although we may need to help LADB (which is a non-profit organization) obtain grants to sustain their work if they are to stay financially afloat beyond June 1991, when the current grant expires. This is a relatively minor point (not LADB's survival, but overcoming this difficulty, I think); more details to come. As we establish contacts with more organizations, it will, and perhaps already is, impractical to have all of this volume appear in our mailboxes constantly (in fact, there had been earlier problems with people posting messages which should be private to AML; I didn't know of this at the time because, due of an email address problem, I didn't receive these postings, as I wasn't completely on AML!) I propose establishing a moderated UseNet newsgroup which will carry regular posts of information from groups, articles, and AML resource files (more on this later). As I am very busy keeping up with recent developments (about which I'll shortly update you; most recently, it looks like we may get an agreement with PeaceNet for an alt.pach (Progressive Alliance Clearing House (PACH)) newsgroup on UseNet), I'd need your help in creating such a newsgroup; someone/s would have to go through the procedure of collective votes, etc. In the meantime, I'll go on an advertising blitz on alt.activism etc so more people find out about AML. Below is a recent issue of Central America Update -- enjoy. --Harel ################################################################## From: [Dr. Barbara Kohl] ################################################################## October 3, 1990 CENTRAL AMERICA UPDATE