There's a hidden history of the last century that needs some exposure. It's about financial oligarchs, fascism and war. It's a bit disorganized, but there's a common thread, and history is repeating itself. "Nazism is usually depicted as the outcome of political blunders and unique economic factors: we are told that it could not be prevented, and that it will never be repeated. In this explosive book, Guido Giacomo Preparata shows that the truth is very different: using meticulous economic analysis, he demonstrates that Hitler's extraordinary rise to power was in fact facilitated -- and eventually financed -- by the British and American political classes during the decade following World War I. Through a close analysis of events in the Third Reich, Preparata unveils a startling history of Anglo-American geopolitical interests in the early twentieth century. He explains that Britain, still clinging to its empire, was terrified of an alliance forming between Germany and Russia. He shows how the UK, through the Bank of England, came to exercise control over Weimar Germany and how Anglo-American financial support for Hitler enabled the Nazis to seize power. This controversial study shows that Nazism was not regarded as an aberration: for the British and American establishment of the time, it was a convenient way of destabilising Europe and driving Germany into conflict with Stalinist Russia, thus preventing the formation of any rival continent power bloc. Guido Giacomo Preparata lays bare the economic forces at play in the Third Reich, and identifies the key players in the British and American establishment who aided Hitler's meteoric rise." ========== "Since 1926 Schacht had secretly been a backer of the radical National Socialist German workers' Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party of Adolf Hitler. After resigning his Reichsbank post, Schacht acted as a key liaison between powerful, but skeptical, German industrial leaders, the so-called 'Schlotbarone' of the Ruhr, and foreign financial leaders, especially Britain's Lord Norman. British policy at this juncture was to create the 'Hitler Project', knowing fully what its ultimate geopolitical and military direction would be. As Colonel David Stirling, the founder of Britain's elite Special Air Services, related in a private discussion almost half a century later, 'The greatest mistake we British did was to think we could play the German Empire against the Russian Empire, and have them bleed one another to death'." (Excerpt from "A Century of War" by Engdahl, on elite western oligarch's involvement in the rise of fascism in furtherance of plans for world domination which are being pursued by the west to this day) The Whitehouse Coup: "The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush's Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression." BBC Radio 4, July 23, 2007 How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power "Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president" Guardian September 25, 2004,12271,1312540,00.html Audio interview with G. Edward Griffin, author of "Creature from Jekyll Island" (about the federal reserve, the US branch of the oligarch's international nazi movement, otherwise known as the New World Order) Incredible. Brzezinski warns congress of false flag attack leading to Iran war in feb 2007 (a new 9/11): "... If the United States continues to be bogged down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large. A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks; followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure; then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the U.S. blamed on Iran; culminating in a defensive U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. ..." Brzezinski's cookbook for world takeover, where he all but calls for the use of false-flag terror to mobilize the population in pursuit of empire. Neocon's founding policy paper, all but calling for a "new pearl harbor" to justify imperial mobilization. Nuclear War Baiting "In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks. The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules. But the unanimous opposition of the 50 states did not deter, or even slow, the Bush administration in its goal of protecting the banks. In fact, when my office opened an investigation of possible discrimination in mortgage lending by a number of banks, the OCC filed a federal lawsuit to stop the investigation. Why did the Bush administration do this? The only possible answer is that it had every intention of producing the housing bubble, one that had the effect of not only inflating the cost of homes and real estate but also pumping billions of dollars of borrowed cash into the economy through mortgage and home equity loans." Alan Greenspan (Mr. Bubbles himself) was in Abu Dhabi in february saying that the dollar peg (the petro-dollar) ought to be abandoned to counter inflationary pressures in the gulf. The petro-dollar was the foundation of the dollar's status as a global reserve currency. He'd been bad-mouthing the dollar for months to anyone who would listen. Any idea why the former head of the federal reserve was trying to pull the rug out from under the US$ at a time when the US economy, infrastructure and manufacturing base is in tatters? When we can't even buy a pencil or a screwdriver without having it shipped in from half way around the world? Is this the shock doctrine being implemented? It certainly seems like we've been set up for a fall. The fed also oversaw the boom of the roaring 20's and the deflationary collapse of the great depression. This is their business model. The fed is a private "nonprofit" corporation, a shell company for its owners, the international banking interests. No kidding! See: Ongoing eugenics campaigns being carried out under the radar: "The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution ... Bankers are more dangerous than standing armies ... [and] If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson