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How to evaluate new
members... Weed out informants and
agent-provocateurs. Copyright ©1998
Lee Adams. All rights reserved. NOTE
Spy & CounterSpy does not endorse, condone, or encourage any illegal
act. The material in this article is presented for information, research,
entertainment, and education purposes only. The words "you" and "your"
are used in this article only for ease of readability. Assessing
the risks. It is imperative that you run tests to verify the
reliability and integrity of new recuits who are applying to join your cell.
Failure to evaluate recruits will result in your group being penetrated by your
adversary much like the militia groups in the USA have been penetrated by
the FBI. Every time you admit a new recuit
into your cell you are risking the security of your group. Yes, the recruit
might be a bona fide supporter of your cause or he might be an
informant or an agent-provocateur. The
Informant. The informant is a cell member who is providing information
to your adversary. He may betray you for money. She may betray you because she
is being blackmailed. He may betray you because he is unethical, immoral, and
weak-willed. She may betray you because she has a passive-aggressive personality
disorder. The Agent-provocateur.
The agent-provocateur is someone who feigns enthusiastic support for your
cause while enticing you to commit acts that are illegal. She is acting on the
instructions of the FBI or she may actually be an FBI agent. You are
being set up for arrest, interrogation, and conviction. The
Mole. The mole is a cell member who quietly works to sabotage your
operations. He may deliberately forget to do things that result in
failed operations. He may intentionally ruin meetings with specious
arguments and pointless debate, often introducing paranoia into the discussion.
A typical mole is a long-time cell member who has been recruited by the FBI,
perhaps by blackmail. Less frequently the mole is an FBI agent who has
penetrated the organization at an early stage in its development. The
Counterintelligence Role. It is vital that your organization have a
counterintelligence officer. This is someone whose role is to detect and
neutralize attempted penetrations by the enemies of your organization. Whether
this is a formal position or an ad hoc role is not important. Someone in
your group must take steps to systematically and conscientiously evaluate new
recuits. If you don't make an effort to defend
yourself against penetration by your adversary, then you'll end up like the
militia groups in the US... paranoid, disorganized, ineffective, and more
often than not in custody.