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How to broadcast to a
group of cells... Copyright ©1998
Lee Adams. All rights reserved. NOTE
Spy & CounterSpy does not endorse, recommend, or suggest that you
commit any illegal act. We function as investigative journalists, reporting
information leaked to us by our contacts in various organizations (including
intelligence agencies and law enforcement). This article is provided for
information, education, entertainment, and research purposes only. Any
security service including the FBI relies upon intercepted
communications to penetrate and ruin an underground movement. A
resistance movement must adopt a professional approach to communicating with its
cells otherwise the FBI will eavesdrop on the group's communications,
identify key members in the movement, and begin to infiltrate agents into the
organization. Soon the cells are paralyzed by moles, informants,
agent-provocateurs, and honeypots. Return
to our home page and click on Glossary for definitions. The
Alternatives. For one-on-one communication, you can use a dead-letter
drop, also called a DLB. (Return to our home page and click on Use
dead-letter boxes.) DLBs are a safe and
secure method for passing messages, documents, money, etc. between two people
with no contact between the parties. However, they are best suited for
intermittent communication between individuals. They are not suitable for
broadcasting a message to a group of cells. Other
possible methods include telephone calls from one pay phone to another,
newspaper classified ads, bulletin boards in shopping malls, and so on. Unfortunately,
each of these methods involves unacceptable security risks. Pay phone to pay
phone communication forces you and your cells to be at a specific location at a
specific time, which is inviting detection by the authorities. Newspaper
classified ads are routinely monitored by the FBI, BATF, CIA, and NSA
that's why this system is seldom used any more by intelligence agencies or
underground organizatons. Bulletin boards require each of your cells to break
cover by appearing at a specific location. The
The best solution is for the resistance movement to piggyback the
message on a transmitter that is already being used legitimately in the
community. Examples of broadcasting transmitters than can be utilized are pager
systems, local radio stations, local TV stations, cellular telephone networks,
courier companies, taxi companies, repair companies with radio-controlled fleets
of trucks, and so on. This article describes a
time-proven method that is being used successfully by intelligence agencies in
Europe and the USA as well as underground organizations like the Red
Brigades, the IRA, and the Tupamaros. The method entails using an existing
paging system without the knowledge of the pager company or its customers.