About Us... Copyright ©1998 Lee Adams. All rights reserved. This
page describes our organization and the three main participants Lee
Adams, Vickie Nickel, and Agent X. Spy &
CounterSpy is published by Lee Adams Seminars. Lee
Adams Seminars is a division of
Here's-how, Right-now! Seminars Inc. with offices at 3273 Tennyson
Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada. The company was founded in 1994 by Lee
Adams. His original goal was to provide
business skills training in the methods of personal persuasion he had
learned during a decade of encounters with some of the world's most
sophisticated intelligence agencies and security services. In
1998 he expanded the company mandate to include publishing information about
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About Lee Adams... Lee
Adams first came to the attention of the authorities during a routine check by a
joint US-Canadian top secret research facility to renew his access clearance.
Using the thinking skills he had honed while writing computer programming
books for McGraw-Hill, he quickly became adept at spotting the spies and their
methods. When he took his concerns to the
authorities, he was rebuffed. But the surveillance immediately
intensified. Lee Adams found himself in the role of crash-test dummy
as the spies attempted to upgrade their methods. But while they were
watching him, he was watching them. They were inadvertently showing him
their best stuff. Faced with unremitting
surveillance, he wanted to learn as much as he could about his adversaries and
their methods, so he hit on the idea of provoking other groups into watching
him. The subsequent knowledgebase and contacts
that Lee Adams built during 8 years of surveillance is the backbone of Spy &
About Vickie Nickel... Vickie
Nickel is the subscription manager for Spy & CounterSpy. She is a
former high-ranking civilian employee of the Canadian Armed Forces. Most
recently, she was D/Admin (that's bureaucrat-talk for Director of
Administration) at a Defense Research Establishment on the west coast.
She reported directly to the Chief of the top secret facility. The
facility was a joint project of the US and Canadian military. The research
focused on antisubmarine warfare. The scientists worked in close partnership
with a similar facility located in San Diego, CA. The facility was a prime
target of Soviet military intelligence. Vickie
was put under 24-hour a day surveillance during an attempt by the authorities to
unmask Soviet agents. She became increasingly frustrated at what she calls the
"stupidity" of the surveillance team as it interfered with her
ability to maintain a normal lifestyle. The surveillance team found no
incriminating evidence because there was none. After
four years of surveillance, the authorities finally acknowledged what Vickie had
been trying to tell them all along she had been set up. Soviet military
intelligence had framed her, in order to divert attention away from the real
moles and US Naval Intelligence had swallowed the bait. Disgusted with
what she calls "the senseless damage" caused by inept
surveillance and a bungled investigation, Vickie resigned after 21 years'
service rather than accept a posting to military HQ in Ottawa.
About Agent X... Agent
X is not one agent, but three. Agent X is our name for what is actually
a composite of three people our three confidential sources in the
intelligence community. We rely on these individuals to help us in two important
ways. First, they confirm the conclusions
that we have reached through direct observation, by deductive reasoning, and by
abductive reasoning. Second, they provide
hints and tips new leads for us to investigate, new countersurveillance
techniques for us to evaluate, new perspectives on what is being reported in the
mainstream news media about intelligence and security matters. Confidential
Source #1 is a former DST case officer. The DST is France's security
service. Our source also liaised closely wth the police intelligence apparatus,
Renseignements Generaux. After 32 year's service he retired and began to
write his memoirs. When he began approaching publishers he found himself
narrowly averting vehicle collisions in traffic, pedestrian hit-and-runs, and
other lethal situations. He quietly investigated and learned that other
ex-officers intending to publish had all died in accidents. He has since found
another way to publish by acting as a clandestine consultant to Spy &
CounterSpy. Confidential Source #2
is a former SIS agent. The SIS is Britain's secret intelligence agency.
Our source spent a number of years working closely with MI.5 during its
penetration of IRA cells in Northern Ireland. He also liaised frequently with
CIA and FBI teams during attempts to obstruct IRA arms shipments from the USA.
He spent 4 years in deep cover in the United States and Canada tracking IRA
fundraisers. He became disillusioned with what he calls the "extra-judicial
execution of Irish civilians" during sweeps by the British authorities
and the coverups that followed. He has declined to discuss with us whether he
subsequently provided intelligence to the IRA. Confidential
Source #3 is a ex-cadre with the Shining Path, formerly the
primary guerrilla group in Peru. Our source emmigrated to North America a few
years ago when the Peruvian authorities arrested the Shining Path's leader. She
is familiar with methods and techniques for maintaining cells in an adversarial
urban environment. She claims to have contacts with underground movements in
Uruguay (the Tupamaros?) and Argentina (the Montoneros?). Our contact with her
is intermittent and through an intermediary, so it is difficult for us to verify
her story. Her information so far has been found to be reliable. We have tested
the methods she has provided and found them very effective for operating
undetected in urban settings.