How surveillance works... Most
people don't realize that a security service will use surveillance in four
different ways for four different purposes. These are observation,
infiltration, sabotage, and intimidation. All of these threats can be lethal to
you and your organization. Surveillance
threat #1 Observation. A security service uses surveillance to
watch you. They find out what you're doing. They discover who your contacts,
members, operatives, associates, and friends are. They learn your plans. They
use your conversations as evidence when they arrest you on charges of
conspiracy. Most people don't realize that conspiracy is the most common
grounds for arrest when surveillance is involved. Yes, just talking
about some topics can get you arrested. What about free speech? Not when The
Thought Police are around. Surveillance
threat #2 Infiltration. A security service uses surveillance to
learn enough about you so they can infiltrate agents into your group.
Infiltration is dangerous for two reasons. First, an infiltrated agent can act
as an informant, alerting the security service to your plans and
providing evidence that can be used later for arrest, coercion, or blackmail.
Second, an infiltrated agent can act as an agent-provocateur. This is
someone who pretends to enthusiastically support your cause, while in reality
encouraging you to commit illegal or reckless acts that become grounds for
arrest by the security service. Many groups have been tricked into illegal
behavior that they otherwise would have never considered. Do not underestimate
the damage that an agent-provocateur can do. It is a wicked game. That's
why the FBI plays it. Surveillance threat
#3 Sabotage. A security service uses surveillance to learn
everything about you, your group, its goals, and its plans. They can use this
information to secretly sabotage your operations. Things just seem to go wrong
at the worst moment, yet you can never really pin down what the problem is. An
effective security service has a range of sabotage capabilities, ranging from
dirty tricks to death squads. Some
American citizens are beginning to speculate that the FBI may operate death
squads. They claim it is easy for an organization that operates in secret to
arrange situations where murder can be camouflaged as misadventure, accident,
illness, criminal activity, chance events, or suicide. How better to disable a
persistent grass-roots movement than by arranging the demise of its leader via a
traffic accident, mugging, or suicide? Surveillance
threat #4 Intimidation. A security service can use surveillance
to control you. It's a form of mind control. The FBI is currently enjoying
success with this tactic against a number of militia and patriot groups. That's
because fear is a powerful tool. If you know you're under surveillance, you're
afraid to do anything. The FBI has developed this mind-game to a sophisticated
level. After they've let you see their surveillance team, they merely need to
make an appearance once a month or so. You're so terrified that you assume
you're under surveillance 24-hours a day. The FBI has won. You are paralyzed by
fear. For some targets of surveillance, all that's required is an appearance
twice a year by the FBI to keep you immobilized. Of course, none of these
mind-games work if you've got countersurveillance skills and can spot the gaps
in surveillance.