I posted this awhile back but I've made some additions to it that I thought others might find interesting. It's addressed to members of a list of psychiatric child abuse survivors. Subject: Psycumcision I'd like to call people's attention to a major impending social upheaval/scandal which will take place in the USA in the near future. I believe it will present an enormous opportunity for the emotional liberation movement (or whatever you want to call it... I have a lot of problems with some of the medically-inspired terminology survivors use) to reach a vast audience if handled properly. It deals with the general area of the extension of "medical competence" into what might be termed social enforcement: the scientifically unfounded creation of medical diagnoses for which there is no demonstrable organic pathology, but only massive amounts of social pathology. In another article I outline the case against western medical MGM, or male genital mutilation. This article will be concerned mostly with psychiatry and the many parallels the two have from the standpoint of their power dynamics, cultural context and social function. You can retrieve the MGM article at http://www.math.missouri.edu/~rich/MGM/primer.html For those who haven't read it, here's a synopsis: The basic facts are: the modern day practice of MGM as a "public health" measure originated in the 1800's as a medical "cure" for the "problem" of masturbation, which was thought (in keeping with Victorian morality) to be connected to everything from TB to blindness, parasites and (surprise) "mental illness". Since it was well known at the time (but forgotten/suppressed by modern US medicine) that the sexual touch receptors on the penis (essentially the core of male sexuality) are concentrated at the end of the penis, in the so-called foreskin (which is actually a complex nexus of highly sensitive specialized nerves, ridges, blood and lymphatic vessels, smooth muscle and mucous membrane), their solution was a radical version of biblical circumcision. In biblical and Jewish c., only the tip of the foreskin was cut off, leaving much of the erogenous (pleasurable) nerves intact, though still significantly impacting penile sensitivity. The "new" medical circumcision went much further, amputating as much of sexual pleasure and sensitivity as technology would allow. (Today, a typical infant MGM procedure in a US hospital amputates somewhere between 50 and 80% of the erogenous nerves in the penis. An authority on FGM and MGM I spoke to compared MGM to the amputation of a woman's inner and outer labia and "G-spot". This is only logical: if sexual ecstasy is nature's inducement to screw, the logical place to put the most sensitive structures would be on the part of the penis which would come into the most intimate contact with the vagina: the "foreskin." A circumcised man can readily confirm this by exploring his feelings along the length of his penis. The most erogenous area is right behind the head. This is just a small remnant of his inner foreskin) Furthermore, the "doctors" of the time openly promoted the maximum infliction of pain on the "patient" so he would associate his penis with pain (a MediEvil version of aversive conditioning) so anesthesia was purposely withheld. This is essentially the procedure being practiced in hospitals around the USA today, though on infants instead of children. I'll spare you the details of the actual procedure except to say that the newborn foreskin is bonded to the head of the penis (similarly to how a fingernail is bonded to the finger) and must be peeled in order to be cut off. Torture and mutilation in pursuit of social control. It's not difficult to see how this can imprint on a man's sexual identity, with many possible consequences (impotence, divorce, some kind of sex-related PTSD, suicide etc). As the masturbation boogy-man lost its power to cause public alarm, doctors resorted to pushing MGM using the same excuses used to justify FGM in Africa (hygiene, aesthetics etc). Then they marketed it as a preventative for syphilis and gonorrhea. When that fell through they hit on penile and cervical cancer. Now that the american cancer society has distanced itself from that claim, they're using AIDS. In each case they have relied on a highly selective, unrepresentative and statistically suspect sampling of studies which purport to demonstrate connections between foreskin and whatever the plague of the day happens to be. To add insult to injury, they can turn around and sell the "discarded" foreskins to biotechnology companies for $200-300 a pop, a bargain for the biotech company, which can generate 1000s of dollars of profit from a single foreskin. What unifies MGM and forced psychiatry, and sets them apart from the rest of "medical" practice, is the mercenary aspect of the doctor's role. Normally a doctor would be hired by the patient in order to act on the patient's behalf, but in these cases the "treatment" is marketed to and paid for by third parties (who would probably never agree to such treatment for themselves, by the way) over the expressed or implied wishes of the "consumer." Even the most dim-witted reporter can grasp the idea of "conflict of interest", and the demonstrable barbarism of MGM could surely be used to open the public mind to the horrific consequences such questionable financial relationships could (and as we know, does) have in psychiatry. In my opinion, with a little intelligent PR and planning, mentalibbers could readily piggyback onto the MGM issue and gain the public credibility and empathy that has thus far eluded the movement. It's not a perfect opportunity, but it's the best I see on the horizon. The MGM issue is rapidly gaining the attention of the national media. Parallels between MGM and forced (violent) psychiatry: Both can be readily branded as "mercenary medicine". Who is the "doctor" working for? It surely can't be the patient, since force is required to impose the "treatment". The obvious answer is that he's working on behalf of his wallet. The "medical indication" for the practice is dependent on arbitrary culturally and/or economically determined power relationships and social norms of behavior. Both practices use "medical" technology in pursuit of social/behavioral engineering and enforcement. During "treatment" the victim's protests are ignored. In MGM, the mainstream orthodoxy for many years (still believed in many quarters) was that babies feel no pain or, more recently, that they don't remember it (see "birth related trauma" below). Anyone who has watched a circumcision, where the baby must be strapped down to a "circumstraint", and frequently defecates and lapses into shock during the "procedure", who actually believes the baby doesn't feel it, has the sensitivity of a nazi prison guard. In the 1800's when medical MGM was first being established, the pain factor was seen as part of the "treatment," but in these more enlightened times, the above claims allow a doctor to protect his humanitarian "conscience" while still brutalizing helpless infants. In psychiatry of course, resistance is evidence of the need for treatment, and the shrink's conscience is soothed by the pathologization of the "patient's" behavior (or, more honestly, of the "patient" itself). In both cases, the victim is effectively rendered mute. Post-treatment, the victim is often unaware of what is missing in his life. And in case he figures out what happened, there is a sufficient stigma or embarrassment attached to the subject to render him vulnerable to ridicule or marginalization if he chooses to publically protest. The perpetrators/mutilators are above reproach, respected professionals who are granted extraordinary authority over the life and body of the victim, by virtue of their presumed humanity, impartiality and mastery of a difficult subject. They are in effect given the status of a priesthood. This creates barriers to public protest by eliminating "naive" (and quite obvious and compelling) arguments about the rights of the "patient." Psychiatry has facilitated the practice of MGM by branding people who question the practice as "mentally ill," thus fulfilling their usual function as medical guardians of the status quo. Whether it be in nazi germany, stalinist russia or child-abusive amerika, psychiatry finds a way to ally itself with the most repressive forces in society. Its institutional motivations should be obvious: its bread and butter business is its mercenary selling of oppression and "corrections" services to families and the state, so it naturally aligns itself with its market: the oppressors. (see http://www.math.missouri.edu/~rich/MGM/insane.html) Psychiatry has managed to overlook the obvious and as-yet-unresearched connections between divorce rates, male suicide, violence and social alienation, and infant MGM. Recent medical studies have shown that birth-related trauma produces a large increase in the probability of adult suicide and post-traumatic stress. Similarly, the amputation of sexual nerves without affecting sexual drive (centered in the brain) is a recipe for what shrinks call "obsessive-compulsive" disorder. It's what happens when a primary drive is habitually frustrated in its fulfillment: the victim either obsesses on it or rechannels the drive into other activities, like overeating. Surveys of circed males confirm a higher rate of exotic sexual practices (and, ironically, masturbation) than intact males, and a frequent complaint women have about men in this country is their "obsession with sex." In some men, rechannelled sexual energy seems to be often manifested in socially approved "productive" behavior like workaholism, contact sports, etc, and in more annoying ways, like hyper-macho behavior, physical and sexual violence, militarism etc. Where is the predictive power of the "science" of psychiatry? Of course we know that psychiatry is just the use of technology in the service of power, and so is no more a science than is "military science." Subjective victim experience of violence & torture. It is now well documented that infants undergoing MGM experience the physiological symptoms of being tortured. The subjective experience of psych survivors is also well known, and studiously ignored or redefined as shortcomings of current technology rather than egregious abuses of power. In both cases, the only meaningful gauge of "treatment" outcome is the subjective experience of the "patient", so this willfull neglect is transparently indefensible, but of course entirely in keeping with the actual purpose of the "treatment", which is to oppress and control the individual. Both practices predate modern concepts of human rights, and have been "grandfathered in" to our culture. If MGM was introduced today, its practitioners would be prosecuted and imprisoned as child abusers/molesters. If imprisonment, forcible drugging and shock treatment of non-criminals was introduced, its practitioners would be prosecuted for false imprisonment and human rights abuse. A significant investment in PR would be required to overcome people's natural inclination to protect the powerless. The mutilation is carried out in secret, so that the violence and barbarity involved remains invisible. The resultant destruction of functionality still allows the victim to live out a "normal" life (at least in a publically visible, superficially defined sense). The damage is invisible to the casual observer. The affected organ has a critical functionality that can be fulfilled by no other, and is a major factor in human behavior. Fraud. Parents handing over their newborn son to a mutilator are seldom informed of the erogenous value of the foreskin, the physical and unknowable psychological trauma of the un-anesthetized ripping, peeling, crushing and cutting of the most sensitive part of a newborn boy's body, or the impact on mother-child bonding, breast feeding, and sensitivity to pain and stress which are all common consequences of circumcision. Nor are they informed of possible complications such as "skin bridges", partial penile amputation, gangrene and even death. Similarly, even abusive parents (many of whom are not "conscious" of their abuse, but are emulating their own parents' behavior) who take their children to shrinks are not likely intending for them to be traumatically violated and permanently damaged. They are not told of the lack of objective scientific evidence for most psychiatric "diagnoses", nor of the brain damaging effects of many psychiatric drugs and treatments, nor of the strong statistical correlation between being domestically abused and being psychiatrically labelled, which might cause them to constructively question the social context of their child's "illness". Even mercenary soldiers are held to higher standards of accountability. In both cases the doctor violates the medical maxim to "first, do no harm", which in any other branch of "medicine" would be sufficient to warrant an effective malpractice suit. Unconscious (or conscious) motivation of the "doctors". There are actually organizations (such as the acorn society) for circumcision fetishists, who are usually mutilated themselves, and who are known to masturbate while watching others get circumcised (live or on video). They buy and sell circumcision "memorabilia" like videos, gomco clamps and circumstraints. Apparently there's even a market for items made from infant foreskins, like coin purses. The question arises of possible unconscious motivations of genital mutilators. In the same way, it's well known in university psychology departments that those who choose clinical psychology (as opposed to research psychology) are frequently pursuing a solution to their own emotional problems. The question of motivation again arises. Power over others can bring temporary relief from feelings of victimization. Each "profession" is thus a magnet for its respective pool of victims, setting up the sufficient conditions for the perpetuation of the practice. We could use this connection to push for psychological screening of psychiatrists as in interim measure towards the elimination of all violence in psychiatry. After all, most police departments require it, and shrinks have far more power than cops over their "wards". MGM represents a successful medical PR campaign to "pathologize" and stigmatize, essentially, male sexuality itself, effectively allowing doctors to broaden their own job description in order to add the profits from circumcision and increase their wholly unwarranted prestige in the area of child birth, which has largely become a surgical procedure involving not only MGM but unnecessary cesarian sections or genital cutting (episiotomy) of the mother. (Episiotomies, to the extent they're needed at all, are done largely to compensate for doctors' continuing preference to have birthing mothers lie on their backs during delivery for the doctor's convenience, when even the most primitive tribes have the common sense to enlist the aid of gravity by giving birth in a squatting or on-all-fours position. As a consequence of this cutting, the vaginal wall is severely weakened, and traumatic tears often occur during birth, sometimes extending into the rectum and resulting in major infections. Again, the research has been done, the facts are in, and there's no question that it is detrimental to the sexuality and healing process of the mother. Yet it remains one of the most common procures in child birth) A triumph of medical conflicts of interest over the health and rights of the patient. It makes perfect sense in light of the fact that medicine is in the business of selling treatments, not health. Similarly, psychiatry is unparalleled in its institutional ability to pathologize human nature and write its own job description via the "DSM", which is largely a study in the social pathology of the pathologization of emotion, especially the emotions of victims, as opposed to perpetrators of domestic abuse. This is of course dictated by the market: victims of domestic violence such as children are seldom in a position to drag their abuser to a shrink, whereas the reverse is commonplace. Again, an inherent conflict of interest, as evidenced by the ever-growing size of the DSM and the extraordinarily high rate of domestic abuse victims among psychiatric "patients." Wouldn't it be nice if we could all modify our job descriptions to do whatever we happen to want to do, and still get paid for it? Social control. This is the most fascinating connection between the two, and I believe a classic example of spontaneous social self-organization. A stable self-organized social system has to work on EVERY level in which organization occurs, from the top (social mass action) down to the bottom (chemical reactions in the biological systems which make up the population). Each realm of activity contributes to the maintenance of the whole, and both depends on and feeds into the mass of nested and entangled causality loops which makes up the the overall system and maintains it in a state of dynamic equilibrium. In an information-based organism such as a "democratic" society, there are two broad information domains in which social control is exercised in a population: manipulation of information dealing with events which are external to the individual, and manipulation of information dealing with the internal world (i.e. self perception and self-identification). The first deals with standard everyday propaganda & censorship, while the latter is the domain of EMOTIONS. The latter, largely ignored domain is by far the more potent realm of social control, and is the area where medicine has staked its claim and largely unseated organized religion as a tool of mass organization in an increasingly secular society. The system has adapted to the increasing information-sophistication of the population by simply adapting the priesthood accordingly. Psychiatry and MGM are concerned with the manipulation of the two extremes of human emotion, misery and ecstacy, the control of which are essential to maintaining a docile population. Constructive (i.e. individually liberating) social evolution is fueled by two essential ingredients: human pain and misery, and human joy and creativity. The former drives the desire, the latter provides the means. Without the latter, misery only leads to more misery. Psychiatry addresses the former by pathologizing and suppressing people's emotional responses to dysfunctional social environments such as domestic abuse, poverty etc. Anti-depressants and shock treatment are different ways of blocking the self-perception of suffering, and thus defusing the drive to social change and allowing for a much greater degree of social dysfunction than would otherwise be possible in a stable society. A form of brainwashing, pure and simple. MGM deals with the opposite end of human emotional experience: the suppression of ecstatic emotional connectedness. The primary obstacle to efficient mass social organization is local social organization, which diverts resources and individual self-identification into personal and community relationships instead of state institutions. The extent to which a person has attained a degree of self-fulfillment and satisfaction in his/her personal life is the extent to which s/he is resistant to the inducements and conditioning of large-scale social structures. By literally cutting off much of a person's capacity for shared ecstatic emotional experience and identification with the opposite sex, MGM frees up and allows for the redirection of self identification from interpersonal and community-oriented attachments into identification with the state. Thus psychiatry and MGM both increase the "fitness" (in a darwinian sense) of the dominator social order relative to more "primitive" groups. In both cases (MGM & psychiatry), the absence of impartial oversight or effective client feedback absolutely guarantees massive corruption and abuse. The question is how to get this elementary point across to the brainwashed wage slaves of the USA. Slogan for the day: REAL DOCTORS DO NO HARM Also see: http://www.math.missouri.edu/~rich/psych/ http://www.math.missouri.edu/~rich/MGM/ http://www.mindfreedom.org/mindfreedom/hungerstrike.shtml