of Contents
part of this series was offered on a two side audio cassette. As such
the parts are in two pieces, a and b,
on this CD.
- Interview with Lynne Moss-Sharman - 1
26 - Interview with Lynne Moss-Sharman - 2
Lynne Moss-Sharman is the Canadian coordinator of ACHES-MC (Advocacy
Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors of Mind Control) and the
Stone Angels, a ritual abuse support group in Thunder Bay. Lynne alleges
she was experimented on by CIA MKULTRA doctors Jose Delgado and Ewen
Cameron among others in horrific experiments. She also alleges that
she was sexually and ritually abused by her father and other Freemasons.
We discuss her experiences in organizing conferences for ritual abuse
survivors and professionals dealing with these issues and with ACHES-MC's
current campaign to call for U.S. government hearings on mind control
27 - Interview with Kathleen Sullivan- 1
28 - Interview with Kathleen Sullivan- 2
29 - Interview with Kathleen Sullivan- 3
In this extraordinary interview, Kathleen tells her story of being used
for assassination, bodyguarding, smuggling and other illegal activities
for the Whitehouse, CIA, NASA, and the Mafia. She alleges that her father,
a CIA agent, had tortured and programmed her starting in her childhood.
She describes the types of operations and project codenames she was
used for and names some of the people involved in her abuse as a mind
controlled operative, particularly George Bush and Henry Kissinger.
We discuss the mind control techniques that were used on her, the kinds
of operations that she was controlled to do, the involvement of the
entertainment industry in mind control, and the mind control connections
to the implementation of a fascist "New World Order".
- Blanche Chavoustie - 1
31 - Blanche Chavoustie - 2
Blanche Chavoustie is the U.S. coordinator of ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee
for Human Experimentation Survivors of Mind Control) and a survivor
of experiments in hypnosis, brain implants, and synthetic telepathy.
Her accounts speak of a variety of experiments at sites that have been
documented to be involved in the CIA's MKULTRA mind control project
such as Penn State, Syracuse University, and Cornell University.
32 - Alan Scheflin - Risk Management in Dissociative Disorder and
Trauma Therapy
This address was given at a joint conference of Int'l Society for the
Study of Dissociation (ISSD) and Int'l Society for Traumatic Stress
Studies (ISTSS) in Montreal, Nov. 9/97. Alan talks to therapists and
the legal issues around trauma treatment that they must be aware of
in this climate of intimidation and lawsuits by the FMSF. This talks
comes just after the U.S. government has moved to criminalize psychotherapy,
a main healing resource for victims of mind control. Alan Scheflin is
one of the world's foremost authorities on mind control.
33 - Walter Bowart - The Secret History of Mind Control - 1
34 - Walter Bowart - The Secret History of Mind Control - 2
Walter Bowart delivers "The Secret History of Mind Control"
at the Ritual Trauma, Child Abuse and Mind Control conference in Atlanta,
Oct.2/97. In this slide presentation, Walter talks of the history of
mind control and the accompanying technologies from crude lobotomies
to high-tech brain implants and nanotechnology. Walter Bowart is a writer
and researcher of mind control, author of "Operation Mind Control"
and founder and director of the Freedom of Thought Foundation.
- Interview with Fritz Springmeier - 1
36 - Interview with Fritz Springmeier - 2
37 - Interview with Fritz Springmeier - 3
38 - Interview with Fritz Springmeier - 4
39 - Interview with Fritz Springmeier - 5
In this interview, Fritz Springmeier talks about how the Illuminati
comprised of super international finance capitalists families such as
Rockefeller and Rothchild have developed total mind control and have
been using it to gain and consolidate power. The mind control techniques
have been developed into the sciences of trauma, electroshock, drugs,
hypnosis, deception and structured programming. Fritz speaks of how
Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was used by the Illuminati to develop trauma-based
mind control by experimenting on Jewish victims in the Holocaust and
after the war being smuggled to the U.S. to put mind control into practice
as one of the CIA's main mind control programmers. Fritz also speaks
of the involvement of Hollywood and the music industry in mind control
slavery, the corporate world's use of mind control, and of the government,
military, and intelligence use of mind controlled slaves.
Fritz has helped Cisco Wheeler, an Illuminati family mind control vic
tim, gain freedom from her programmers. Fritz Springmeier is a researcher
of the Illuminati families, minister to mind control victims and co-author
of such books as "The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines" and "The
Illuminati Method Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled
- Interview with Cisco Wheeler - 1
41 - Interview with Cisco Wheeler - 2
Cisco Wheeler is a former Illuminati family mind control slave and co-author
of "The Illuminati Method Used to Create an Undetectable Total
Mind Controlled Slave" and "Deeper Insights" books about
trauma-based mind control. She had escaped from her family's control
with three other women after her main programmer, her father, died.
Cisco claims that she was programmed by Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele and
her father, who was trained by Mengele in mind control techniques. Cisco's
family's military and political connections run deep and is a descendant
of U.S. President Ullyses S. Grant. Her father, an Illuminati and Masonic
grandmaster and mind control programmer conditioned Cisco from infancy
with sexual abuse and severe trauma. She was trained to sexually service
the political elite including mayors, governors and presidents starting
with President Eisenhower when she was a child. Cisco talks about her
struggles in healing and the continued harassment she faces.
- Interview with Brice Taylor - 1
43 - Interview with Brice Taylor - 2
Brice Taylor is a former "Presidential model" mind controlled
slave for the Whitehouse having been abused by a number of presidents,
high ranking officials and famous entertainers. She has survived horrific
abuse by her father and family since infancy including ritual trauma
and sexual abuse and has been programmed at military bases, medical
centres, and NASA facilities. She has been used to sexually service
politicians, foreign officials, and other power brokers while under
the influence of mind control. She was also used to photographically
remember secret project documents and New World Order plans and store
them in her "mind files" for retrieval for those that had
access to her.
- Interview with Gail Fisher-Taylor - 1
45 - Interview with Gail Fisher-Taylor - 2
Gail Fisher-Taylor is a psychotherapist working with survivors of trauma.
We discuss issues about the nature of memory, "false memories",
and the differences in how the mind processes traumatic experience from
non-traumatic experience and how that relates to implicit and explicit
memory. We also discuss the criminal nature of the context in which
cult ritual abuse occurs and how this is often forgotten in the sensationalisation
of ritual abuse, particularly in the media. Cults and organized crime
are involved in child pornography (including child snuff films), child
prostitution, drug trafficking, and money laundering. We also discuss
the effects groups like the False Memory Syndrome Foundation have had
on access and quality of resources available to abuse survivors.
46 - Panel Discussion on Ritual Abuse with Caryn Stardancer and Gail
In this discussion we open the phone lines to questions and comments
by listeners about ritual abuse. Caryn Stardancer is a ritual abuse
survivor and advocate and publisher of SurvivorShip, an excellent resource
for abuse survivors. Gail Fisher-Taylor is a Toronto-based therapist
for trauma survivors. We discuss the use of ritual abuse in cults, the
prevalence of criminal activity such as pornography, prostitution, and
drug trafficking in abusive cults and the role of belief systems. We
also discuss the history of ritual abuse, the social status of cult
leaders, abuse survivor resources, and the backlash against survivors
and therapists.
- Panel Discussion on Mind Control with Don Gilmour
Don Gilmour is the author of "I Swear By Apollo" a book documenting
the CIA-funded mind control experiments done at McGill University in
Montreal by Dr. Ewen Cameron. We discuss the CBC's television production
"The Sleep Room" about Dr. Ewen Cameron and his experiments,
the use of human subjects for government experimentation, and ongoing
abuses of psychiatry in general with overuse of electoshock and drugs.
We take questions from the listening audience about mind control, psychiatry,
electroshock, the mainstream media's lack of coverage on mind control
and media's ridiculing of survivor issues.
48 - BONUS Track; Kevin Annett Interview
Kevin Annett is a former United Church minister in Vancouver,
Canada, who was fired without cause in 1995, and then expelled from
the same church without due process, after he had unearthed evidence
of the theft of native land by church officers, and of the murder of
native children at the United Church residential school in Port Alberni,
British Columbia, where Kevin ministered.

2003 Wayne Morris