



The Crazies, 1973. Directed by George A. Romero

A plague is accidentaly released in an American small town causing the populace to turn into homicidal maniacs. The Military intervenes with squadrons of clean-suited stormtroopers who systematically contain the plague by every means necessary.

While it is certainly prescient in some details--certainly the aforementioned clean-suited stormtroopers on the rampage in this movie are an image whose time is now--Romero's plague thriller is a clumsy, plodding affair. It borrows too much from the director's Night of the Living Dead to be considered a singular creation and its attempt to demonstrate that the monsters are us is ham-fisted at best. While this is watchable, it takes some patience, as Romero's pacing (never his strongest suit) is ponderous and slow here, and there are few of the flourishes that make his best work some of the best in the genre. For the completist only.